I will exalt you, my God and King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Everyday will I praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. Psalm 145:1-3
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice in it! Today we are the be the honored guest at Champions of Faith Church. Ginger will deliver the sermon, Leah will give her testimony and I will exalt. We will be leaving for church soon. I packed most of my things last night so I will only have a few things left to do when we get back from church today. We are a little nervous about how long the service will last and if we will have time to shower and change before we have to go to the airport. Our plain leaves at nine tonight and we have a lot to do today.
Shortly after the service started this morning, a heavy downpour struck. It was so loud that the speakers could not be heard so the singing continued until the rain stopped. The shower cooled things off and with the fans going, it was quite pleasant for Africa. The service started again and then the generator stopped. A few of the men went out to check on the problem and get it started again. I forgot to mention that there were 16 points in the order of the service. I was to be #7 and Ginger preaching the sermon at # 9. Leah was to give her testimony at #11.
The service continued after a brief interruption of the generator problem. Then the generator stopped again, it was fixed a second time and the service started again. The third time, it could not be fixed. Someone had stolen a part of the generator while it was running and the service was going on! The pastor called someone to open their store so that he could to buy the part that was missing. All this happened before point seven, my part in the service, and we still had eleven points to go! It was getting on up in the afternoon and we were getting a little anxious about having time to get ready to leave the country and catch the one and only plane leaving until next Wednesday.
They were delaying the service until they could get the generator fixed so that we could have a microphone. They thought that white people could not talk loud LOL! We convinced them that we could talk loud enough to be heard and the service started again. I didn’t have a microphone for my exaltation, point #7, Leah was moved to #9 and did not have a microphone either. Ginger was pushed back to # 11 and shortly after she started, we had electricity and her voice came in loud and strong. Satan had tried his best to stop us that day but God’s word was heard!
Next came a “Gowning” ceremony and a special prayer time to send us off. Then at # 14, Remarks of the service and overall programs. Announcements and at # 16 the Benediction, which was not like any closing prayer I ever heard here in the states. It was usual to say the least, but I did get a special souvenir to bring home. By mid-afternoon the service was over and Ginger had done a fantastic job delivering God’s word. I had also enjoyed Leah’s testimony.
When we arrive back at the compound, we find the dinning room set up for a banquet. We were surprised to learn that the WACSN team and the pastors of the churches where we spoke were coming to have lunch with us. Ervin out did himself today, the food was superb!
We have about 3 hours to finish packing, take a shower and a nap and get to the airport. We really need a nap, we are all pooped!
I feel a little better after a shower and a short nap, we need to leave for the airport but TIA (this is Africa) No one seems to be in a hurry to get us there, I wonder when we will leave?
It's time for us to be at the airport, our bags have not been carried down and no one seems concerned about the time. The compound is not close to the airport, it will take some time to get there. We're waiting... we're still waiting...
Well, the ride to the airport was a little scary, to say the least. There is no speed limit in Liberia, you can drive as fast as you want. We made it to the airport with little time to spare. Maria had people waiting for us and they got us and our luggage through quickly. Ginger was called out and questioned because her curling iron looked like a gun LOL! But we made it on the plane and are flying home. Praise the Lord!

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